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Are you looking for a way to improve the wellbeing of your elderly residents in care centres and retirement estates?

Look no further than our fitness programme!

CareVita #fit - Group


Our fitness programme is designed specifically by qualified trainers, physiotherapists and medical practitioners to ensure safety of our senior members. They include a variety of exercises that are safe, effective and fun. Our main focus is on strength, flexibility and balance.

Regular exercise has been shown to have numerous benefits for seniors, including improved cardiovascular health, increased strength and flexibility, and a reduced risk of falls and injuries. It also improves mood and sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety.

The exercise programmes are led by certified fitness professionals that understand the unique challenges that come with ageing.

CareVita #fit - Group


  • Die klasse word goed aangebied deurdat die roetine afgewissel word. Aanvanklik was dit baie moeilik vir my, maar ek vind dat sommige van die oefeninge al makliker word. Ek het vir myself doelwitte gestel en ek glo in ses maande se tyd sal ek al van hierdie doelwitte bereik het. Ek geniet die klas baie en sal verseker aanhou daarmee.
    Isabel van Rensburg
  • I am enjoying every moment of the classes and love the way that it is presented, every day something better.
    Ina Etsebeth
  • The classes are very good, I am able to touch my toes!!! You are doing well, l feel, I am doing something for my health, and I am not so stiff!!!! Thank you, doing well!!!!
    Annetjie Steyn
  • We are enjoying the classes. The 45 minutes of stretching and muscle toning is working fine. Amanda balances the leg and arm procedures perfectly, making our bodies work all over.
    Johan Boshoff
  • Ek is mal oor jou oefeninge. Dis n baie persoonlike ondervinding. Jy spreek regtig al die ouer persone se probleme aan. Die paar weke wat ek die oefeninge gedoen het het ek baie baat gevind daarby. Hou so aan ons almal geniet dit vreeslik baie.
    Sonja Mouton
  • CareVita#fit is hosting exercise sessions twice a week at Mossel Bay Retirement Village. We have been partaking in these exercises for the past two months. These exercises have made a huge difference to our muscle suppleness. The variation in exercises is unbelievable. What a blessing to have CareVita#fit on our doorstep.
    Johan and Annetjie Meyer
  • I enjoy the classes. They keep me going and good exercise.
    Elna Retief
  • Ek is baie gelukkig en tevrede met Amanda se klasse. Ek het Fibromyalgia en soms raak my liggaam baie styf daarvan. Die oefening help baie daarmee. Die klasse is ook baie goed vr die siel. Ek waardeer julle.
    Marietjie Knoetze
  • The exercise classes have helped me connect my mind and my body. I didn't know exercising could be so much fun.
    Larissa Clarke
  • I'm enjoying the classes very much. Vanessa is excellent. It's good to start the day with exercise. My idea of getting older is to keep on moving.
    Catherina Swanevelder
  • Wat n voorreg om hier in ons oord besoek te word deur Care Vita!Sodoende sorg hulle dat ons inwoners "n gesonde liggaam"behou! Ons kan nie wag vir elke oefening wat so pragtig en entoesiasties deur Amanda aangebied word nie.Baie dankie!
    Marie Korf
  • I think Amanda is great and a good ambassador for CareVita! Well, to be honest this is my 1st journey regarding any exercise whatsoever. I am still new on the block - never thought I will still be around with my rubber band. I can see a difference in my body and balance. Thank you for stopping on our doorstep to make a difference in our lives.
    Teresa Kruger
  • I find the classes very good and helpful. I cannot keep up with everything because I am a bit older than most of the participants but that is quite ok - I do what I can. There is a good understanding between the instructor and the participants.
    Susanne van der Walt
  • Koos and I both enjoy the classes and find it very beneficial . Amanda is a good and caring instructor and keep us going. Looking forward to the carpet/ floor exercises starting today. Keep up the good work.
    Koos and Rita Schroeder
  • Your exercises have helped me tremendously to maintain my strength and muscle tone. My shoulder improves weekly, and I look forward to better balance, stronger legs, improved posture and getting up from a chair more elegantly! I really need every bit of the coaching we receive on a weekly basis, as I atrophy so quickly when I rest up or skip! Thanks for your encouraging inspiration!
    Lorraine Kinsella
  • Many thanks for starting these classes!! I was most of my life doing Gym, so when I arrived here, I was hoping that Management would invest in a Gym or Swimming pool. This is the best thing that could have happened!! I do enjoy every moment and looking forward to the next class. Amanda is a good instructor!! Thank you again for the vision for Mossel Bay. We the aged need the exercise!!
    Jannie van der Linde
  • We love the CareVita Fit classes. The instructor is so knowledgeable & encouraging. Each class is different & caters for all levels of unfitness & stiffness. The exercises are gentle but still a full body workout is achieved. We are really happy that the programme is offered at our Retirement Village. Ps: Amanda is really fantastic!
    Dave and Tracy Jackson
  • Thank you so much. The classes are very helpful for my knees and balance. I am really enjoying them.
    Magda Steyn
  • I am super happy with the classes more flexible no more pain. I would like to go on with it as long as possible. Thanking you.
    Miems Burger